But I had no idea what to expect. Are chinchillas the softest animal in the world, like some say?
One day on vacation, I got a chance to find out. I saw a little petting zoo that had two chinchillas.
It was obviously meant for kids, but I didn’t want to miss the opportunity.
I got some weird looks, but I finally got to pet a chinchilla. It was totally worth it.
Now I get to pet one every day, but I’ll never forget the first time feeling that softness.
But is the chinchilla actually the softest animal on earth? Keep reading to find out.
Are Chinchillas The Softest Animal In The World?
Chinchillas are one of the world’s softest animal. They may even be the softest, although that honor is generally bestowed upon the Angora Rabbit. It is difficult to say with any degree of certainty.
What we do know is that chinchillas are up there, among a handful of insanely soft animals. We also know that their soft fur is only one of the reasons they are becoming more and more popular as pets.
And sadly, this characteristic of chinchillas is also what makes them popular as coats among disgusting insecure people like Floyd Mayweather, who need to constantly show off how rich they are to feel like they have any value in the world.
Sorry, a bit off topic. But it is related to the softness of their fur and as a chinchilla owner and lover, people like him make me sick. It takes over 150 poor chinchillas to make a single coat like the one he wore. And he only wore it a single time!
Anyway, back to the topic at hand: the softness of chinchilla fur. Let’s dive in and find out exactly why chinchilla fur is so soft.
Why Is Chinchilla Fur So Soft?
Chinchilla fur is one of the softest types of fur in the world. Their thick, dense fur is made up of around 80 hairs per follicle, compared to about 4 or 5 hairs per follicle in humans. So that is some incredibly thick hair!
The high chinchilla fur density gives them protection against cold temperatures. It is an adaptation that allows chinchillas to survived in their native Andes Mountains where the temperature can drop to below freezing. It is also one of their most distinguishing characteristics.
What makes chinchilla fur so soft is its texture. The hair on a chinchilla is fine, lightweight, and extremely fluffy. It’s not only soft to the touch, but also has a velvety texture that makes it one of the most wanted fur materials in the world.
The fur also has a very high silk-like sheen, which gives it a unique appearance. Not only this, chinchilla fur is also so soft because they do not have any oil or dander glands.
This means that their fur does not contain any oil that could make it feel greasy or dirty, and it does not produce any dander which can cause allergies.
You can also thank your chinchilla for how soft its fur is. Chinchillas extensively groom themselves, helping to distribute any oil through their fur, which keeps it soft, clean, and shiny.
As a chinchilla owner, you should help to properly look after your chinchilla’s fur by providing it with a healthy diet and regular dust baths, which serve to keep the fur clean. You should also refrain from making your chinchilla wear clothes.
The softness of chinchilla fur has made it a popular choice for clothing items such as scarves, coats, and gloves. It’s also used in the fashion industry to create accessories like bags and hats.
Chinchilla fur is known for being durable, lightweight, and extremely warm. However, to obtain high-quality chinchilla fur, chinchillas need to die. These are always farmed chinchillas, so you do want to make sure that the animals are treated humanely.
The ‘farmer’ needs to take proper care to ensure that the animals are not stressed out or harmed in any way. That way, not only is the quality of chinchilla fur luxurious, but it is also sourced ethically.
Of course, no fur is better than any fur. But on balance, chinchilla fur is a great alternative to other furs, because it is sustainable. The chinchilla breeding and harvesting process is carefully monitored, ensuring that it is done in an environmentally friendly way. The process of obtaining this fur does not harm or put any species at risk of extinction.
All that said, it is still no excuse to get a coat made from chinchilla fur simply to show off. If you’re going to get chinchilla fur, use it. Don’t just wear it once. Why do 150+ chinchillas need to die to feed your ego? Yes, I hate Floyd Mayweather.
What Is The Most Expensive Fur In The World?
Sable fur is considered the most expensive and top-quality fur in the world. It can cost anything from $16,000 to $150,000 for a coat. It’s a luxurious fur that has been highly sought after throughout history.
One of the primary factors that make Sable fur so expensive is the high quality of its pelts. The sable pelt has a dense and soft underfur, which is perfect for making warm and luxurious clothing. Sable pelts also last a long time, making them an excellent investment for those who can afford them.
The issue with sable fur is that it is usually not ethical. Capturing sables for their fur is highly regulated, but many fur farms also treat Sables in an unethical manner, by keeping them in cramped conditions, which can cause them to become distressed.
Softest Animal In The World: Final Thoughts
The chinchilla might not be the softest animal in the world, but it is close. And since it is hard to quantify softness, the chinchilla may indeed be number one.
Even if the Angora Rabbit takes the top spot, you’ll still definitely want to take any opportunity you might get to touch a chinchilla. Even if it comes in the form of a children’s petting zoo and you have no children.
You’ll get some weird looks, but you’ll also get to feel the softest thing you’ll probably ever touch. You’ll also realize why the chinchilla can make a great emotional support animal. Soft and cuddly always works!
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