There are so many different types of crackers, and almost all of them taste good.
For us. But do they also taste good to a chinchilla?
More importantly, can chinchillas have crackers in the first place?
Obviously, it does depend greatly on the type of cracker in question.
That is why we are going to cover all popular types of crackers.
Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about feeding crackers to your pet chinchilla.
- 1 Can Chinchillas Eat Crackers?
- 1.1 What Crackers Can I Feed My Chinchilla?
- 1.2 Can I Feed My Chinchilla Crackers As Part Of Its Main Meal?
- 1.3 Can Chinchillas Eat Goldfish Crackers?
- 1.4 Can Chinchillas Eat Animal Crackers?
- 1.5 Can Chinchillas Eat Ritz Crackers?
- 1.6 Can Chinchillas Eat Wheat Thins?
- 1.7 Can Chinchillas Eat Triscuits?
- 1.8 Can Chinchillas Eat Cookies (Biscuits)?
- 1.9 Can Chinchillas Eat Pizza?
- 1.10 What Snacks Can Chinchillas Eat?
- 2 Can Chinchillas Have Crackers: Final Thoughts
Can Chinchillas Eat Crackers?
Chinchillas can eat crackers, but there are better treats to give them. Small amounts of cracker is fine and can make a tasty treat, but more than a tiny amount can cause bloating and other issues.
Moreover, crackers do not offer chinchillas much, if any, nutritional value. In other words, there is no good reason to feed your pet crackers. There are far better treat options.
That said, if you do want to feed your chinchilla crackers, some are much better than others. Let’s start by finding out what type of crackers are best and which ones you should avoid at all costs.
What Crackers Can I Feed My Chinchilla?
You should only feed your chinchilla plain crackers. These are always the safest option. Salted or flavored crackers can have a negative effect on a chinchilla’s sensitive digestive system.
Feeding your chinchilla flavored crackers can cause stomach cramps, sickness or diarrhea. Salt can have similar effects. And in an animal this small, those issues can quickly become serious and even deadly.
Plain crackers should not cause your chinchilla any harm, as long as you only feed them in small quantities. Try not to feed your chinchilla any more than a pinky finger sized amount. Crackers are made of wheat flour and too much of that can cause your chinchilla to bloat.
Crackers do make a good alternative to some other treats, because they are dry and not high in sugar. Those are the big problems with most fruits or vegetables.
Of course, this assumes plain crackers without tons of sugar or salt. And even then, stick to the amount given above and do not feed it more than twice a week. It can be a special treat or a nice way to reward your chinchilla for good behavior.
But again, there are much better treats. This article covers the best treats for chinchillas. If you prefer to feed your pet things you already have in the house, read about human foods chinchillas can have.
Can I Feed My Chinchilla Crackers As Part Of Its Main Meal?
No, crackers should not be part of your chinchilla’s main meal. To start with, if your pet eats crackers, which have no nutritional value, it will eat less of its pellets and hay, which do provide it with the nutrients it needs.
On top of that, there is the potential for crackers to cause digestive issues, if you feed any more than a tiny amount. You certainly should not feed your pet enough crackers to make for a full meal.
Keep the crackers as occasional treats for your chinchilla. It will still add some variety to your chinchilla’s diet, without it eating so many crackers that it gets sick.
Can Chinchillas Eat Goldfish Crackers?
Chinchillas can eat goldfish crackers. However, they are a cracker with added flavor, so it is best to avoid them altogether. They contain a lot of fat, sugar, salt and various artificial flavors. If you do want to feed your chinchilla a goldfish cracker, stick to a tiny amount no larger than your fingernail, and only once or twice a week.
Can Chinchillas Eat Animal Crackers?
Chinchillas can eat animal crackers, but they are basically cookies, so everything written above for cookies applies here, too. Animal crackers contain too much sugar and fat, so you can only ever feed a tiny amount.
Can Chinchillas Eat Ritz Crackers?
Chinchillas can eat Ritz crackers, but also only in small amounts. They are generally considered a plain cracker, but they do contain a lot of salt.
Can Chinchillas Eat Wheat Thins?
Chinchillas can eat wheat thins, but they also contain a lot of fat, sugar, salt and other unhealthy ingredients. Like all of these flavored crackers, a tiny amount is fine, but it is best to avoid them altogether.
Can Chinchillas Eat Triscuits?
Chinchillas can eat triscuits, but the same recommendations apply here too. Triscuits are a type of shredded wheat, but they do contain additives. A shredded wheat cereal without added salt is much better.
Can Chinchillas Eat Cookies (Biscuits)?
You should never feed your chinchilla more than very small amounts of cookies, because they are high in fat and sugar. If you can avoid feeding your chinchilla cookies altogether, that is the way to go. These are far worse than crackers.
Feeding your chinchilla a high amount of fat and sugar can lead to bloating and sickness. In the long run, it can lead to obesity, dental conditions or potentially even diabetes.
If you notice any unusual symptoms with your chinchilla and you’ve been feeding it sugary foods, you should take your little friend straight to the vet. Too much sugar can have disastrous consequences.
If you do need to feed your chinchilla cookies, make sure it is only a very small amount. Stick to a piece of cookie the size of your fingernail. And do not feed your chinchilla biscuits (the British word for cookies) as a regular occurrence. Once or twice a week, maximum.
Can Chinchillas Eat Pizza?
No, chinchillas can not eat pizza. Pizza is a complete no-go. Save all of your slices for yourself! Pizza contains too much fat and salt for your chinchilla to handle. The cheese and bread base is bad enough. The sugary and acidic tomato sauce piles bad things on top of it. And then come the toppings!
Feeding your chinchilla pizza can cause digestive issues such as bloating and the dairy in cheese may cause stomach cramps or diarrhea. That’s just the beginning. All of those bad ingredients piled on top of each other will make for an extremely painful digestion for you pet, if you’re lucky. It may even kill your chinchilla.
What Snacks Can Chinchillas Eat?
You should avoid feeding your chinchilla any snacks that are high in sugar, fat or water. This includes most fruits and vegetables and human foods such as potato chips, chocolate, cookies, and any type of candy or pastry.
The best treats to feed your chinchilla include dried fruits such as raisins or sultanas, dried herbs, or dried flowers such as rosehips. Chinchillas love anything with a unique taste. Whatever the snack, always feed it in small quantities. They should only eat a lot of two things: hay and pellets.
Can Chinchillas Have Crackers: Final Thoughts
Chinchillas can eat crackers, but it is generally better not to feed them any at all. That’s because all crackers contain ingredients that can cause digestive issues in chinchillas in anything but tiny amounts, and they do not contain anything of real nutritional value.
If you do want to feed your pet crackers, the general rule of thumb is: the plainer the better. The more flavorings you add to a food, the worse it becomes, especially for chinchillas. And even the plainest of crackers should never be more than an occasional snack.
Matt says
Going to kill animals with this article