At least this week they are.
Next week, they will be unhealthy again.
Of course, all of that is just for humans.
What about our furry little rodents? Can chinchillas eat eggs?
And does the answer vary from one week to the next like it seems to do for us humans?
It does not. Keep reading to learn whether chinchillas can have eggs and everything you need to know about feeding eggs to your pet.
Can Chinchillas Eat Eggs?
Yes. chinchillas can eat eggs. But you should only feed your chinchilla eggs in small quantities. Chinchillas don’t need protein in the same way we do. They do eat bird eggs in the wild, but on rare occasions.
Let’s look at how and why chinchillas sometimes eat eggs in the wild and why it does not make much sense to give them eggs in captivity. We’ll also look at some other human foods people often as about.
Eggs In The Wild
Chinchillas are omnivores, but primarily herbivores. They get all the nutrients they need from grasses and other plants. They do need some protein and can get it from plant sources, but they also sometimes eat eggs and insects, when they can get them.
These supply them some additional protein. But animal protein is not a significant part of their diet. They really only eat insects or bird eggs when they happen to come across them, which may be while climbing trees or exploring under rocks and in caves.
Eggs For Your Pet Chinchilla?
Your pet chinchilla should get a better diet than chinchillas in the wild, because they don’t have to eat whatever they find. They eat what you give them, which should be the healthiest foods you possibly can.
This does mean less variety, but that is a good thing. Of course, you can still feed your chinchilla some egg as a source of protein, but there is no need to. And if you do, make sure it is only a small amount.
Your chinchilla should be eating Timothy hay and pellets as its primary diet (at least 90% of all of its calories should come from these two sources), and those provide all of the necessary nutrients.
After feeding your chinchilla its hay and pellets, anything else should only ever be a treat. That means feed it only in small amounts and no more than once or twice a week. This still adds variety to your chinchilla’s diet, while also keeping its diet healthy and balanced.
That includes eggs. You should not feed your chinchilla a whole egg. Instead only feeding it a small chunk of a hard-boiled egg, otherwise it will get too much protein. A piece the size of a dime is good. And again, only once or twice a week.
Can Chinchillas Eat Scrambled Eggs?
Yes, chinchillas can eat scrambled eggs. As long as you don’t add anything else to them, eating scrambled eggs is basically the same as eating hard-boiled eggs. That means all the same rules apply: only a small amount the size of a dime and only once or twice a week.
Can Chinchillas Drink Milk?
You should not feed your chinchilla any milk, or any other dairy products like cheese. Dairy is bad for them. Chinchillas have sensitive digestive systems, and the lactose in milk can cause your chinchilla more harm than good.
Feeding your chinchilla too much dairy could even be fatal for your pet. Its digestive system simply cannot cope with it. Your chinchilla will not be able to break down the lactose that’s in milk and it can cause awful stomach pains for your little pet, along with other symptoms such as bloating and diarrhea.
Can Chinchillas Eat Yoghurt?
Just like milk, yoghurt is also a no-go for your chinchilla. It may even be worse for your chinchilla than milk, because it has a much higher sugar and fat content. Even plain yogurt is bad. Flavored is much, much worse.
Yoghurt is also dairy, so your chinchilla will struggle with the lactose in yoghurt. It could also end up being fatal for your pet if they eat too much.
Yoghurt is also high in sugar which can also cause your chinchilla to bloat and suffer from sickness and diarrhea. The fat in yoghurt can also cause long-term health conditions, like weight gain and heart problems, if your pet eats yoghurt regularly and in excess. And for a chinchilla ‘excess’ is a very small amount.
What Human Foods Can You Give Your Chinchilla?
Ideally, you should not be giving your chinchilla any human foods. Keep them for yourself or other humans. However, some human foods are fine. If you wish to feed your chinchilla small amounts as a treat, it will enjoy things like dried fruits (like raisins or sultanas), shredded wheat, cereals (like Cheerios or Corn Flakes), and certain leafy greens (like spinach or kale).
If you choose to feed your chinchilla shredded wheat, Cheerios or Corn Flakes then make sure to stay clear of the frosted or otherwise sweetened kind. The added sugar can cause health conditions for your chinchilla.
Stay away from salty or sweet human snacks, like cookies, crackers, or popcorn. Seemingly innocent foods can be quite bad too, like bread or rice. That said, none of these things are toxic. Tiny amounts of all of these things are fine, but why bother? There are better treats for chinchillas.
Can Chinchillas Have Eggs: Final Thoughts
Chinchillas can eat eggs. In fact, they sometimes eat bird eggs in the wild. But it is not something they eat a lot of. They just get them when they can find them.
Chinchillas get all of the protein they need from their regular diet of Timothy hay and pellets. You do not need to give them more. But if you want to feed them some eggs, you can. Just make sure you limit the amount of egg you feed.
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