They are juicy and sweet and just all-around delicious.
Even better, they are also healthy!
But once again, something that is good for us is not necessarily good for our chinchillas.
In fact, most fruits are actually bad for these rodents and their delicate digestive systems.
Can chinchillas eat strawberries at all, then? Or is this another fruit to avoid.
Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about feeding your chinchilla strawberries.
Can Chinchillas Eat Strawberries?
Yes, chinchillas can eat strawberries. But you need to limit it to small amounts, due to the high sugar content. As long as you limit the amount you give, this fruit makes a sweet treat.
Strawberries are also a good way to add some variety to your pet’s diet every now and then. But you really do need to watch how much you give. We’ll go into more detail on that now.
Feed Strawberries Sparingly
Strawberries may be a healthy food for us, full of vitamins and nutrients, but they are not that for chinchillas. They have a high sugar content, which can cause digestive issues for your pet.
That’s why you should only ever feed your chinchilla strawberries as an occasional treat. You do not want to incorporate them into every meal.
To give you an idea of how much strawberry you can feed your pet, do not give it more than a 1 cm cube of strawberry once a week. Yes, that is a tiny amount, but any more could cause bloating, diarrhea or even vomiting.
If your pet develops any of these symptoms and they show no sign of easing up, you may want to pay your vet a visit. Things can turn serious very quickly with such a small animal and your chinchilla could deteriorate rapidly and die suddenly.
Can I Feed My Chinchilla Other Parts Of A Strawberry?
Your chinchilla will also love to snack on strawberry leaves and even the strawberry plant. If you grow your own strawberries, you should certainly keep this in mind and cut a small piece of leaf off for your chinchilla.
Strawberry leaves can even help with your chinchilla’s digestion, thanks to their anti-inflammatory properties! However, just like the actual fruit, you also need to limit any other parts of the plants to small amounts.
How Should I Feed My Chinchilla Strawberries?
Before you even feed your chinchilla any strawberries you should make sure they are thoroughly washed. You want to be sure you are not feeding your pet any pesticides that could potentially make it sick.
If you really want to treat your chinchilla, you could even purchase organic strawberries. This will ensure there are no pesticides. Of course, homegrown strawberries are even better!
Once the strawberries are completely washed, you can cut your chinchilla a small chunk as a part of its weekly treat. Remember, no more than a small cube measuring 1 cm on each side. You can then keep the rest of the strawberry for yourself!
What Fruit Can Chinchillas Eat?
There are many fruits that your chinchilla can eat, but always in small amounts only. The high sugar and water content of most fruits is a big problem if your chinchilla eats too much.
In general, dried fruits are much better than fresh fruits. Fresh fruits contain a lot of water, which can cause digestive issues in you chinchilla. These rodents live in a dry climate in the wild and they have adapted to only taking in a small amount of water.
Feeding your chinchilla too much water-laden fresh fruit can lead to diarrhea and other nasty stomach conditions, which can become fatal. That is why dried fruit is always better.
Of course, dried fruit still has a lot of sugar, so you need to limit the amount with that, too. Fruits that your chinchilla will enjoy in small amounts include pears, green apples, apricots, raisins and other dried fruits.
Any crunchy fruits are always a great choice, because they additionally help grind down your chinchilla’s teeth. Those teeth never stop growing, so your pet needs to chew a lot to keep them from overgrowing.
Other berries are in the same boat as strawberries. If you want to feed your chinchilla blackberries, for instance, you need to limit the amount in the same way. Half a barry once or twice a week is good.
What Are Chinchillas’ Favorite Fruits?
The favorite fruit will vary from one chinchilla to another. Just like we humans have differing tastes, so do chinchillas. They all have their own preferences! You can usually get a strong sense of your chinchilla’s favorite fruits by how eager it is to eat them.
As mentioned, chinchillas live on a simple, and mostly dry, diet in the wild, so many will prefer dry fruits over fresh ones. Good dried fruits to feed your chinchilla can include raisins, apricots and dates.
Try not to feed your chinchilla any more than two raisins a week, or the equivalent in other dried fruits. Any more than that can upset your pet’s stomach, due to the sugar.
Always remember that treats aren’t an essential part of your chinchilla’s diet. You do not need to feed your pet any treats at all, if you prefer to keep it on a stricter diet. But the occasional treat might be nice. A little variety is always welcome!
Chinchillas Can Have Strawberries: Final Thoughts
Chinchillas can eat strawberries, but like most other fruits, you need to limit it to a tiny amount. The sugar and water content in strawberries can wreak havoc on a chinchilla’s digestive system.
You pet will probably love this sweet treat and happily eat far too much of it. That is why it is up to you to limit your chin to a small cube of around 1 cm. And only feed it this amount once a week.
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