Potatoes are a food staple in many countries. They are cheap and readily available. And they don't appear to have the same issue as many fruits or vegetables for chinchillas. Namely a high water and/or sugar content. But there is a major problem with potatoes. In addition to that problem, they don't offer much nutritional value for a chinchilla. Plus, the … [Read more...] about Can Chinchillas Eat Potatoes? (Caution: They Contain Solanine)
Diet And Nutrition
Can Chinchillas Eat Cilantro? (Why You Need To Be Careful)
I've always liked cilantro. But many people hate it. Apparently, to some people it tastes like dish soap. It's interesting how our perception of things can differ. How is it with chinchillas? Do they like the taste? More importantly, can chinchillas eat cilantro in the first place? Their digestive systems are famously sensitive and they have a hard time with many … [Read more...] about Can Chinchillas Eat Cilantro? (Why You Need To Be Careful)
Can Chinchillas Eat Blackberries? (The Potential Danger)
Berries are some of the healthiest foods we can eat. They are chock full of vitamins and antioxidants. But what is good for us is not always good for our pets. And chinchillas have especially sensitive digestive systems. Can chinchillas eat blackberries then? Or is this another in a long line of healthy foods that are not healthy for chinchillas? Keep reading to … [Read more...] about Can Chinchillas Eat Blackberries? (The Potential Danger)
Can Chinchillas Eat Corn? (Read Before You Feed!)
I have never been an especially huge fan of corn. I don't hate it, but I don't love it either. I seem to be alone in that. People love their corn on the cobs where I'm from. But corn does not have much nutritional value. Is it healthy for chinchillas? Can chinchillas eat corn at all? By now you've probably realized that there are a lot of things these little … [Read more...] about Can Chinchillas Eat Corn? (Read Before You Feed!)
Can Chinchillas Eat Cheerios? (Bad To Eat Or Healthy Treat?)
Cereal is healthy, right? At least the stuff without frosting, food coloring or other additives. For us humans, yes. Plain cereals like Cheerios, shredded wheat, or Corn Flakes are healthy. But that does not mean they are healthy for chinchillas. Can chinchillas eat cheerios, or are they just another healthy human food that is bad for these sensitive … [Read more...] about Can Chinchillas Eat Cheerios? (Bad To Eat Or Healthy Treat?)
Can Chinchillas Eat Chocolate? (You Need To Know This!)
Chocolate is delicious. But most of it is also unhealthy. And dog or cat owners know that is extra harmful to their pets. But is that true of all animals or is it specific to some? Can chinchillas eat chocolate or is it just as bad for them as for dogs? That is exactly what we are going to discuss today. Keep reading to learn if chinchillas can have chocolate … [Read more...] about Can Chinchillas Eat Chocolate? (You Need To Know This!)
Can Chinchillas Eat Nuts? (Exercise Extreme Caution!)
Chinchillas love nuts! They provide them with tons of fat and protein. And they need both of those to keep going. In the wild. However, things are quite different in captivity. Pet chinchillas get a steady diet of hay and pellets. These provide all the nutrition they need. Can chinchillas eat nuts in addition to their hay and pellets? That is what we are … [Read more...] about Can Chinchillas Eat Nuts? (Exercise Extreme Caution!)
Can Chinchillas Eat Alfalfa Hay? (The Danger Hiding In Its Nutritional Profile)
Timothy hay and pellets. If you've read my article on what chinchillas eat, you know that's all these animals need. In fact, it really the only thing you should feed them, though they certainly appreciate the occasional treat. But does it have to be Timothy hay? Can chinchillas eat alfalfa instead, or is Timothy hay the top recommendation for a reason? Keep … [Read more...] about Can Chinchillas Eat Alfalfa Hay? (The Danger Hiding In Its Nutritional Profile)
Can Chinchillas Eat Leafy Greens? (Be Very Careful!)
Leafy greens are healthy. We all know that. But any chinchilla owner also knows that what is healthy for humans is not always healthy for our pets. With that in mind, can chinchillas eat leafy greens? Or are they another in the long list of vegetables that can cause digestive issues for chinchillas? Keep reading to find out. We will cover all common leafy … [Read more...] about Can Chinchillas Eat Leafy Greens? (Be Very Careful!)
Can Chinchillas Eat Broccoli? (Read Before You Feed!)
We all know how healthy broccoli is. Despite that, many of us don't like it. It can also cause digestive issue for people with sensitive stomachs. But what goes for us does not also go for chinchillas. Can chinchillas eat broccoli then, or is it another one of many vegetables that are good for us but bad for our pets? That's what we are going to cover … [Read more...] about Can Chinchillas Eat Broccoli? (Read Before You Feed!)