It always scares me. Whenever I see my chinchilla (or my dog) behaving differently, I worry. I want to race it to the vet to make sure it is ok. But any type of trip is stressful for a chinchilla. It is much better to take a breath and figure out what might have caused the change in behavior. If your pet is suddenly scratching a lot, ask yourself "Why is my … [Read more...] about Why Is My Chinchilla Scratching? (And What To Do About It)
Can Chinchillas Vomit? (What You Need To Know)
Chinchillas are unique animals. Even among rodents. They do have a lot in common with their rodent cousins, but they also have some key differences. You may know that rodents can not vomit. Is this another thing they have in common or can chinchillas vomit? Keep reading to find out. We're going to cover everything you need to know about chinchillas throwing up … [Read more...] about Can Chinchillas Vomit? (What You Need To Know)
How Often Do Chinchillas Need To Go To The Vet?
Better safe than sorry. It is always better to catch problems before they become serious. That is why we see the doctor for regular checkups. And why we take our pets to the vet for the same. But what about smaller pets? How often do chinchillas need to go to the vet? Or do they need to go at all? I mean, no one takes their goldfish in for a regular checkup, … [Read more...] about How Often Do Chinchillas Need To Go To The Vet?
What To Do With A Dead Chinchilla (Proper Disposal And Cleanup)
Any pet dying is a terrible thing. For you, your family, and any surviving pets. Yes, chinchillas do mourn the loss of their friends. In addition to the emotional difficulty, you also have a physical problem. The corpse and what to do with a dead chinchilla. That's what we're going to help you with today. Keep reading to learn how best to dispose of a dead … [Read more...] about What To Do With A Dead Chinchilla (Proper Disposal And Cleanup)
Chinchilla Constipation And Bloat (Causes, Remedies, Prevention & More)
Chinchillas need boring food. Their diet of hay and food pellets may not sound exciting, but don't worry. They don't mind. And their stomachs and intestines are love it. Fiber is vital for chinchillas. If they don't get enough of it, they will suffer. Chinchilla constipation is almost guaranteed. Chinchilla bloat can also result from dietary issues. Both can … [Read more...] about Chinchilla Constipation And Bloat (Causes, Remedies, Prevention & More)
Chinchilla Bite Wounds (Both To A Chin And From One)
What does the phrase 'chinchilla bite wounds' conjure up to you? Is it a bite wound on a chinchilla, or a wound from a chinchilla bite? When I started researching this article, I realized it could be either. So I made sure to include both possibilities below. Why did I have to research this topic? Because thankfully, my chinchilla has never bitten me and has … [Read more...] about Chinchilla Bite Wounds (Both To A Chin And From One)
Chinchilla Dental Disease (9 Tooth Problems You Need To Be Aware Of)
If you own a chinchilla, dental disease is something you will probably have to deal with. Chinchilla teeth problems are unfortunately fairly common. These cute little rodents are susceptible to dental issues. There are a number of reasons for this, which we will touch on below. Before we do that, we want to go over the 9 most common dental problems in … [Read more...] about Chinchilla Dental Disease (9 Tooth Problems You Need To Be Aware Of)
Chinchilla Broken Leg (Everything You Need To Know)
You know what happens in the wild. A chinchilla broken leg means certain death. If a small animal like the chinchilla gets a serious injury, it can no longer escape predators. But it's different in captivity, right? Yes, it is. In captivity, a chinchilla has a good chance of surviving a broken leg. But first, you have to realize your pet has injured itself. And … [Read more...] about Chinchilla Broken Leg (Everything You Need To Know)
Chinchilla Abscess (Treatment, Causes, & Other Vital Info)
It scares me every time. Whenever I notice something out of the ordinary on my chinchilla, I get worried. I know how quickly things can go from bad to worse with an animal so small. And from worse to death. Thankfully, I have no yet had to deal a chinchilla abscess. Or any type of lump on my chin. But I know it could happen, so I learned everything I could about … [Read more...] about Chinchilla Abscess (Treatment, Causes, & Other Vital Info)
Chinchilla Sneezing (What It Means & What You Need To Do)
Chinchilla sneezing is adorable. Just like anything else these cute little rodents do. But it can also indicate a serious problem. And even if it is not anything serious yet, small issues can turn serious quickly with such a small and delicate creature. That is why you should always keep an eye out for any signs of illness and step in to deal with it quickly, if you … [Read more...] about Chinchilla Sneezing (What It Means & What You Need To Do)