It’s a decision you won’t regret. You’re going to love your new pet.
Chinchillas are amazing little creatures that will bring you endless joy.
But you obviously have another important decision to make.
What do you call your adorable little furball?
Keep reading for some great names for a chinchilla. At the very least, these suggestions and the reasons behind them should spark some more ideas for other names for your pet.
Names For A Chinchilla
Let’s begin our look at some great names for a chinchilla with female names. We follow with names for male chins below.
Chinchilla Names For Female Pets
The following are all great names for female chinchillas. Even if you do not think any of them are right for you and your pet, hopefully they at least spark an idea for the perfect name.
If there’s one thing that defines chinchillas, it’s their ears. Chinchillas have large, round ears that stick out like a sore thumb. What other animal springs to mind when you think of large ears?
An elephant, of course! One particularly famous elephant is Nellie. That makes it a perfect name for your female chinchilla, particularly if her character is also larger than life.
In my opinion, another great name for a chinchilla is Dazzle. Chinchillas are known for their gray fur, which usually features an assortment of light gray and dark gray elements. The mixture of light and dark means that their lighter fur gives a dazzling and almost diamond like effect.
Another ode to the ears. Why not name your female chinchilla after the legendary Minnie Mouse? This famous mouse has ears exactly like that of a chinchilla, which are perfectly round and placed on top of her head. Not only this, but chinchillas are also a part of the rodent family, just like mice.
Another fabulous name that relates to your chinchilla’s fur. Misty is also a perfect choice if you’re after something a little more bohemian. The silver and dark gray in a chinchilla’s fur greatly resembles a cloud and can look just like mist.
Chi Chi
Coming from the ‘chi’ part in chinchilla. This one is a cute and simple name, perfect for if you have younger kids who may struggle to pronounce other names.
If you’re after an incredibly girly name for your chinchilla then look no further than Tinkerbell! This famous Peter Pan character was not only small, just like a chinchilla, but she could also fly. Chinchillas are known for being able to leap up to six feet across a room, making it a very fitting name.
Crystal is another great name if you’re wanting to name your new chinchilla after its fur. The mixture of light and dark in a chinchilla’s fur can come across as being almost like a crystal, especially if they have more light than dark fur.
This is my favourite name for a female chinchilla! Not only does it have a cute and hip ring to the name, but chinchillas love to eat nettles. They love dried nettles, and they’re also a great snack to feed them as a treat.
This was the name of my first chinchilla. Pretty obvious, I know. But I wanted to include it here anyway, because I always liked the name and I still miss her a lot.
Chinchilla Names For Males
Now let’s look at some great names for male chinchillas.
Just like Minnie is a great name for a female chinchilla, Mickey works just as well for a male chinchilla. Their overly large ears look just like Mickey’s and like this famous mouse, chinchillas come from the rodent family.
If I had to choose a name for my new male chinchilla, Sleepy would certainly be one of the top names on the list. Sleepy is one of the seven dwarves from Snow White and is the perfect choice for a chinchilla because they sleep a lot during the day.
Chinchillas are not nocturnal, but crepuscular, which means they are most active at dawn and dusk. This means you’re going to see them asleep quite a lot of the time, making Sleepy a very fitting name!
A chinchilla’s way to clean itself is to take dust baths. Unlike you and I, they can’t use water to wash themselves, due to the density of their fur. Instead, they have to rely on dust to absorb all of those excess oils.
Along with this, a chinchilla’s fur color is also a dusty gray. It has specks of lighter gray running through a darker gray coat, which creates a dusty gray color.
Another Disney name for you! Thumper is best known for being friends with Bambi, and even though he’s a rabbit, both Thumper and chinchillas share the same characteristics.
To start with both have gray fur. Rabbits and chinchillas are also known for their hind legs at the back of their bodies and long front teeth, making this an adorable name for your new male chinchilla.
Chinchillas are well known for their long front teeth and because they’re also small animals, they eat their food by nibbling it down. If you feed a chinchilla a long piece of hay, watch as it nibbles away at the long stem until there’s nothing left!
This one is for all of you Pokémon fans! You’ll find that Pikachu has so many chinchilla attributes. Not only does he have long ears and a long tail, but he’s also of a similar size to chinchillas. He’s also incredibly cute, which I’m sure your new chinchilla will no doubt be.
Chinchillas are known for climbing up and burrowing into rocks in the wild and they originate from the South American mountains, which makes Rocky a very fitting name.
Many chinchillas have dark and light gray fur, and this gives a salt and pepper effect. The dark gray part of their fur resembles black pepper, while the light gray resembles salt.
How To Pick A Good Name For Your Chinchilla
With so many possible names for your chinchilla, sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. You may want to choose a name based on how your chinchilla looks, such as its fur or large ears.
You may want to pick a name that reflects its personality. Is your chinchilla full of life, or a little sleepy? Is it friendly or a little shy?
In my opinion, the best way to choose a name for your chinchilla is to wait until you meet it and take it home. Once you get to know your chinchilla and its behaviours, you can base their name on this.
Your pet may even have a unique mark on its body. For example, the lighter part of its fur may look like a particular shape or object.
Maybe you want to name your chinchilla after a favourite celebrity or fictional character. Maybe you want to try a few names out until you find one that suits your new pet.
Whatever name you decide on, I’m certain it will fully represent all the eccentricities and the playfulness of your new chinchilla.
Chinchilla Pet Names: Final Thoughts
All of the names above would be great for a chinchilla. But they are far from the only good names. There are tons of other wonderful names you could bestow on your new pet.
Most names come to us in a moment of inspiration. Hopefully reading through this list of names and the reasons behind them sparks some creativity within you and you suddenly come up with the perfect name for your chin. Or, one of the names above is already perfect for your pet!
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