As the owner of a chinchilla and a chinchilla website, I am firmly opposed to their slaughter to make coats.
The same goes for fur coats made from other animals.
But I will not let my personal feelings interfere in the writing of this article.
I’m sure my feelings may come through in certain parts of this post, but I will not overtly judge or moralize.
I just want to present all the relevant information concerning coats made from chinchilla fur. Keep reading for the answers to all your questions.
How Many Chinchillas To Make A Coat?
It takes around 150 to 200 chinchillas to produce a single fur coat. That is a lot of animals to make one piece of clothing, which is a big reason these coats are so expensive.
And because chinchilla coats are extremely costly, chinchilla fur fetches a high price. It is for that reason that hunting them became quite common. It led to chinchillas becoming an endangered species. Today, the situation has improved, though the fur is still prized and they are still poached.
What Is A Chinchilla Coat?
The chinchilla coat is an elegant and fine coat that comes from the fur of the chinchilla species. Chinchilla fur is one of the most extravagant natural fabrics.
The chinchilla coat is popular in areas where the overall temperature stays low throughout the year. It provides warmth and comfort to the person wearing it.
But so do other coats. The main reason people get a chinchilla coat is to show off their wealth. It is one of the most expensive coats you can buy, due to the high price of chinchilla fur.
The fur usually comes from chinchilla farms, or from poachers who hunt the species illegally in the wild to enjoy the huge potential profits.
Do They Kill Chinchillas For Their Fur?
People hunt and kill chinchillas to gather their fur to make coats. There is no way to remove the fur without killing the animal. It is not like a sheep.
There are special fur farms with thousands of chinchillas that the farmers raise and kill specifically for their fur. Some farms kill chinchillas when they are around 9 to 10 months old.
And they usually just get rid of the meat, or perhaps use it to feed animals. But it could also be used to feed humans, since those chinchillas are already dead. What does chinchilla taste like? Similar to guinea pig. It is an oily meat, like duck.
How Chinchilla Coats Are Made
Chinchilla coats come from bundles of pelts that people purchase at a fur auction. These bundles are made up of pelts that are all as similar as possible in terms of the following characteristics.
- Style
- Size
- Quality
- Color
It ensures that the coats come out looking cohesive in terms of color and style. Each pelt goes through a checking and inspection process to ensure there is no imperfection in the coat’s design.
The next step in the process entails putting the chinchilla skins on different pieces of paper patterns. This serves to verify that the size of the fur pelt is adequate to create the design.
Since chinchilla skin is soft and delicate, the fur master sews a durable fabric onto the fur to make it robust and ensure the finished coat is as resistant to wear and tear as possible. Then all the other areas, like the collar and sleeves, are sewn together.
The next step is to add wool to the edges to help give the fur a definite shape. The finished coat also include different items, like hooks, pockets, etc., that vary from one design to the other.
Lastly, the coat goes through a finishing process where excess fur is removed, and the coat gets its final look. It is then ready for one last final inspection, after which it is ready for sale.
How Much Is Chinchilla Fur Worth?
Getting your hands on chinchilla fur is challenging. For that reason, it has a high value that will depend on the effort and hard work that the person puts into getting the fur.
The market condition and specific locations also play a crucial role in determining value of chinchilla fur. Usually, the average cost of chinchilla fur can be anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000.
Why Do Chinchilla Coats Cost So Much?
The main reason chinchilla coats are so expensive is because of their fur. Chinchilla coat manufacturers have a difficult time finding fur at a reasonable price.
The high demand is also a contributing factor that pushes the price of these coats up. Also, it requires a lot of care to keep the coat clean and make sure it is safe from ticks or any other parasites.
Below are some more reasons why chinchilla fur coats are among the most expensive coats you can buy.
- The coat provides warmth and is effective against cold
- The fur is highly dense, protecting it from any parasites
- Chinchilla fur is among the softest on the planet
- It maintains its look and feel if you take proper care of the coat
- There is a lot of craft and effort that goes into making a coat from chinchilla fur
- The material is considered a luxury item and is limited
- Making these coats takes a while, so the supply is limited and they are hard to find
How Can You Identify Chinchilla Fur?
Most people can’t tell the difference between chinchilla fur and regular fur. One of the key characteristics of chinchilla fur is that it has bumps or ridges. If you are trying to identify chinchilla fur, it should be softer than fur from other animals and it has bumps or ridges.
Are Chinchillas On The Verge Of Extinction Due To Their Coats?
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) considers the long-tailed chinchilla an endangered species. Their numbers have continued to decline over the last decades, due to hunting and poaching for fur. Given the high prices paid for chinchilla fur, it should come as no surprise that poachers can’t resist hunting them.
Capturing a wild chinchilla and keeping it as a pet is illegal in all states, but keeping chinchillas adopted from a pet store or breeder is legal in all states, although some, like Texas, do require a permit. Are chinchillas legal in Texas? Technically, but they need you to have a permit and do not make it easy to get.
Why Do People Choose Chinchilla Coats?
Chinchilla coats are a popular choice with certain people who want to wear them for numerous reasons. But by far the number one reason is status. The want to show off that they have something few other people can have.
Apart from that, chinchilla fur is an excellent material for coats. If they weren’t endangered and they did not have to die to make the coats, it would be one of the best materials, period.
A coat made from chinchilla fur keeps you warm. And it does look and feel beautiful. It is fluffy and soft, making it both comfortable and fashionable.
Perhaps the best thing about chinchilla coats is that they are virtually immune from parasites like lice, mites, ticks, etc. The reason for that is the extremely high hair density of chinchilla fur (the highest of all animals, in fact). The dense fur does not leave room for a parasite to get in and make itself at home.
Coats Made From Chinchilla Fur: Final Thoughts
I made my feelings about chinchilla fur coats clear at the beginning, and despite my efforts to maintain a neutral tone, I’m sure they came through at certain points in the article, too.
I understand that anyone is free to buy a chinchilla coat, as long as they are not illegal. And they are not. But some of them are made from poached pelts. And that is illegal.
So if you do buy a chinchilla fur coat, please make sure it is made from legally obtained pelts, meaning ones that came from a fur farm. That said, I do hope that reading this article maybe made you reconsider getting a coat made from chinchilla fur altogether.
Whatever your reason for getting one, there are alternatives out there to satisfy that same need. Please at least consider the alternatives.
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