Owning two chinchillas!
Not only is it double the furry cuteness for you, but it also means a friend and companion for your pet.
In other words: it’s a win-win situation!
But it’s not as simple as just getting a second chinchilla and putting the two of them together.
In fact, you may not even want them in the same cage. Keep reading before you make this decision, because there are some potential problems with this.
Can Two Chinchillas Live In The Same Cage?
Yes, two chinchillas can live in the same cage. It is best to have two males or two females living together and for the process to begin at an early age. As chinchillas age, the bonding process can become more challenging.
Of course, just because we stated that same-sex chinchillas are the best way to place two chinchillas in the same cage, that does not mean it’s your only option.
There is plenty of information we need to discuss about pairing two chinchillas, and that’s precisely what we intend to do in this brief post.
But before that, I always like to be 100% transparent with you. The first thing to get out in the open is that I do not currently have two chinchillas living in the same cage.
However, I can assure you that my time owning a chinchilla, my time invested in creating this resource for chinchilla owners, and my time speaking with other chinchilla owners, has made me confident that the information provided in this post is accurate and reliable.
How To Get Two Chinchillas Comfortable With Each Other
In most situations, unless you plan to breed chinchillas or don’t mind the chance of having baby chinchillas or “kits” on your hands, you will not want two chinchillas of the opposite sex living in the same cage.
You also, if possible, want to start this process as soon as possible and when chinchillas are young.
Chinchillas are naturally very social.
They are also friendly and don’t have issues with other chinchillas, but the older a chinchilla gets that is accustomed to living alone, the harder it generally becomes to get it to bond with another chinchilla.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that you should never attempt this. It just means it will be more difficult.
My recommendation is to always start by bonding two chinchillas in separate cages butted up against each other.
This gives them time to adjust to smells, sounds, and the environment in general.
Once it appears that they are comfortable, you can begin having them out for playtime together.
I recommend expediting this process by using a pop-up animal playpen. This article covers the best playpens for chinchillas. The first one is the one I use and love.
The reason I like using playpens is that it forces some closer interaction and will make your two chinchillas interact not only more intimately with each other but with you as well.
It’s the process I used to socialize my chinchilla with me as her owner.
I think it’s a secret weapon when it comes to warming up chinchillas and gets them used to each other (as well as getting them used to handling by you) and speeds up the process dramatically.
Once you have witnessed your two chinchillas desirably interacting with each other, it’s safe to place them in a cage together.
Just be sure to continue monitoring the behavior and have a large enough chinchilla cage to support having two chinchillas together in the same cage (more on this further down).
Do Chinchillas Like To Live In Pairs?
Chinchillas do like to live in pairs. With proper bonding and starting at young ages, chinchillas thrive when they have a companion inside of their cage.
Chinchillas are social creatures that desire social interaction and companionship.
This holds especially true if you don’t typically have the time to get your chinchilla out of the cage every day for playtime.
Chinchillas can get depressed without social interaction. If they’re not getting it from you, a second chinchilla can be a good solution, if it’s feasible for you (meaning you have the space and budget).
The Bonding Process And Precautions
We touched on this a bit previously. The bonding process is essential for chinchillas when you begin the journey of having two of them living in the same cage.
This is especially true if you are starting with a chinchilla that’s a few years older and hasn’t lived with a chinchilla in the past.
Make sure you take this process one step at a time and do it slowly.
Start by having them get used to each other’s sounds and smells first and then follow the directions I provided above to ensure that they are ready for the next step.
Doing this slowly will avoid issues in the future and ensure that they are ready to be friends for a lifetime.
How Big Should A Cage Be For Two Chinchillas?
Chinchillas need plenty of space to jump and climb. Clearly, if you have two chinchillas in a cage, it’s imperative that you provide even more space.
You also need to ensure you are providing enough of the necessary chinchilla accessories for both chinchillas. This includes items like chinchilla toys.
It even includes ensuring that you have two separate water bottles for each chinchilla.
I personally would not go any smaller than a cage like the Critter Nation 2 Dual Level Cage.
It’s currently the cage I use for just one chinchilla but it would be just fine if I want to add a second chinchilla. That’s one reason I got it.
It’s vertically tall enough and a durable cage.
Not to mention, it’s detachable and has 2 sections, which is a huge advantage for having two chinchillas in the same cage. You can separate them into two separate sections, if they ever have a falling out.
If you want to know more, you can read my full review of the Critter Nation Cage.
You can also view my post about the best chinchilla cages here in case you want to explore other options that I’ve also tried and recommend (though I prefer the Critter Nation over the others).
Two Chinchillas Sharing A Cage: Final Thoughts
Two chinchillas can live together in one cage, and I recommend it if you have the time and patience to bond them correctly.
Chinchillas love being around other chinchillas and you as the owner.
They are easy pets to care for and having a second chinchilla will only help ensure your first chinchilla lives a long, happy, and healthy life.
I wish you the best of luck with your bonding process and your second chinchilla.
Share your thoughts on this topic.
Do you have two chinchillas living in the same cage?
Do you recommend having two chinchillas living in the same cage?
What other recommendations can you provide the readers to make this process as easy as possible?
Be sure to share those thoughts, concerns, and stories by dropping a comment below.
As always, Chili and I appreciate you stopping by and reading. Thanks again, and we will see you next time.
Allison says
I have two chinchillas I adopted at 7 months old, they have been together since birth and couldn’t be separated….Well, thank God I have a 2 story cage because they started fighting and I don’t know what to do… Any advice I can get woukd be much appreciated…
Josh says
You may just have to keep them separately, at least for a while. Hopefully the fighting is just a phase.