You may have seen the stern warnings against feeding a chinchilla sunflower seeds. Or you may have seen articles touting the nutritional value of these seeds. Which is true? Both. Sunflower seeds do contain vitamins and minerals that are good for chinchillas. And they do not contain any harmful toxins like many other seeds. But we recommend never feeding your … [Read more...] about Can Chinchillas Eat Sunflower Seeds? (+Why They Shouldn’t)
Diet And Nutrition
Are Chinchillas Omnivores? (What You Need To Know About Their Diet)
Pet chinchillas have a very limited diet. At least they should. We'll cover that below. But in the wild, they eat a larger variety of things. That includes a lot of foods that aren't exactly healthy for them. Not so different from us humans, I suppose. But how big a variety do they eat? Are chinchillas omnivores or do they only eat plants? Keep reading to … [Read more...] about Are Chinchillas Omnivores? (What You Need To Know About Their Diet)
Can Chinchillas Eat Oats? (+How to Offer Them Correctly)
Chinchillas have unique digestive systems. This means that you need to be extra careful about which foods and treats you give them. A lot of foods you would think are fine are actually not. Even a lot of fruits and vegetables are bad for these delicate animals. You always need to double check before giving your chinchilla a new type of food. And even then, only give … [Read more...] about Can Chinchillas Eat Oats? (+How to Offer Them Correctly)
Can Chinchillas Eat Rose Hips? (Must Read Before Feeding)
Rose hips are a superfood. As such, it makes sense to think they might be beneficial for your chinchilla. But many things that are good for us, are not good for these delicate rodents. Most fruits and vegetables, for example, can cause digestive issues in chinchillas. So can chinchillas eat rose hips? And if so, how much is ideal? Keep reading to learn everything … [Read more...] about Can Chinchillas Eat Rose Hips? (Must Read Before Feeding)
Can Chinchillas Eat Bee Pollen? (Must Read Before Feeding!)
There are so many things Chinchillas can't eat. Even many healthy foods can cause issues for a their delicate digestive systems. For that reason, their main diet should always consist of only food pellets and Timothy hay. That's all they need. But sometimes, it is nice to give them a treat. And bee pollen seems like a great treat. Keep reading to find out if … [Read more...] about Can Chinchillas Eat Bee Pollen? (Must Read Before Feeding!)
Best Chinchilla Food (Top Pellets + Tips)
Chinchillas need to eat. But what food is best for a chinchilla? That would be chinchilla pellets. Sure, they can eat plenty of other things as well, but pellets are the easiest and best way to ensure your chin gets the nutrition it needs. Keep reading for a rundown of the best chinchilla pellets. Below that, we'll also go over the best chinchilla food apart from … [Read more...] about Best Chinchilla Food (Top Pellets + Tips)
Can Chinchillas Eat Bread? (Only If You Follow This Advice)
Chinchillas have sensitive stomachs and digestive systems. That means they are limited in what they can eat. Even many healthy food, like most fruits and vegetables, are off limits. But just feeding your pet hay and pellets gets boring. It is only natural to want to give them a treat on occasion. To do so, you need to know what is on the short list of foods a … [Read more...] about Can Chinchillas Eat Bread? (Only If You Follow This Advice)
Can Chinchillas Eat Apples? (Critical Info To Avoid Issues)
Digestive problems are fairly common with chinchillas. They have sensitive stomachs and intestines that have a hard time digesting many foods. Even foods that are considered healthy for us and for many animals. That is why their ideal diet is plain and boring. It consists or hay and specially formulated pellets. Nothing more. But understandably, many owners like to … [Read more...] about Can Chinchillas Eat Apples? (Critical Info To Avoid Issues)
Do Chinchillas Need Vitamins? (No, And Here Is Why)
You probably already know to feed chinchillas nothing but hay and pellets. Perhaps you can mix in the occasional treat, as long as it is something they can readily digest. And if you didn't know that, now you do. I also recommend reading up on the best diet possible for a pet chinchilla. I know what you're thinking. How much nutrition can they get from just pellets … [Read more...] about Do Chinchillas Need Vitamins? (No, And Here Is Why)
What Vegetables Can Chinchillas Eat? (Very Few Are Safe)
A proper diet is critical for your pet chinchilla. But finding reliable information on which foods are safe can be a challenge. It’s one of the reasons I took the time to write Planet Chinchilla’s eBook: A Complete Care Guide for New Chinchilla Owners. I understand the struggles and know that it is tough to provide the best care possible for your new … [Read more...] about What Vegetables Can Chinchillas Eat? (Very Few Are Safe)