That is why pet chinchillas need a water bottle in their cage.
These bottles must always be full, because chinchillas need a constant supply of water.
And yes, it must be a water bottle. Water bowls just don’t work well with chinchillas.
We’ll get into the reasons for that below.
First, I want to show you the water bottle I use.
I tried several different ones and this is easily the best water bottle for chinchillas on the market.
But there are plenty of others that work well, too. Let’s dive right in and get started.
Best Water Bottle For Chinchillas
As far as picking the best chinchilla water bottle, there really isn’t much to it. Most of the water bottles you find online will work fine.
I personally like water bottles that don’t leak water into the cage and that have a larger capacity.
This is partially because I’m always nervous that something could happen and I prefer to have as much water as possible available to my chinchilla at all times.
Currently, I use the 2 of the Lixit Glass Tube Water Bottles. They come with a fantastic holding mechanisms and an additional safety holder for the nozzle where the water releases.
This is what one of them looks like attached to my chin’s cage.
But I actually keep two attached to the cage at all times, just in case my chin gets something stuck in the nozzle of one.
I want to make sure she always has a steady supply of water, even if one of the bottles gets blocked. The second one is on the corner of the cage, on the upper level. That way there is a bottle on each floor of the cage.
If you prefer a different bottle, you can honestly choose any durable plastic or glass rodent water bottle that fits your style.
Some are definitely better than others. And yes, I’ve tried several. I love the Lixit, but for the most part, all the available chinchilla water bottles will get the job done.
I just wanted a reliable water bottle that didn’t leak that I didn’t need to keep purchasing every month or two when leaks or other issues began.
Now that we know which water bottle is best for chinchillas, let’s look at the reasons for getting a bottle and not a bowl. After that, we’ll cover the best way to set up a water bottle for chinchillas.
Why Chinchillas Need A Water Bottle
The reason chinchillas need a water bottle is simple. It’s the best and most effective way for them to consume water.
A chinchillas diet, nutrition, and water consumption are of utmost importance. You want the best possible way to deliver these essentials and when it comes to water, bottles are it.
Water bowls (and other methods) pose challenges for chinchillas. A major one is simply the possibility of bedding, shavings, and even chinchilla poop getting into their water supply.
Chinchillas poop a lot. It often seems like the poop every other step they take.
Using a water bowl is just begging for the possibility of your chinchilla dragging poop into the bowl and then falling ill from drinking the contaminated water.
There is no reason to get a bowl. Water bottles are cheap and they are what a chinchilla needs. Put simply, bottles are the ethical approach.
Not to mention, it’s the simplest way to provide your chinchilla a clean water supply at all times.
Using a water bowl instead of a water bottle can also give your chinchilla a strong chance of getting wet if they tip the water bowl over or accidentally jump inside of the water bowl. And they should not get wet.
How Much Water Do Chinchillas Need?
I’m sure there is a scientific answer to this question based on a chinchilla’s average weight, but that kind of answer isn’t really all that useful to anyone who owns a chinchilla.
The best answer is actually very simple. Keep the water bottle full.
Whenever you notice the water level down below the full mark, go ahead and to it off. Your chinchilla may consume a lot of water one day and a very little water the following day.
As mentioned, I personally always have two water bottles attached to my chinchilla’s cage. I have one of the top deck of my Critter Nation 2 cage, and one on the lower floor of the cage.
This is merely playing it safe. Chinchillas can go a long time without water, but I don’t want her to have to. If I ever end up going out of town for a night, or just forget to fill one, I know she always has a backup water bottle ready to go for her.
This is a big reason I use, and always recommend, the Critter Nation 2 cage. Large chinchilla cages allow you to do things like having multiple water bottles attached.
If you are in the market for your first cage or an upgrade, you should check it out. You can read my in-depth review of the Critter Nation Chinchilla Cage here.
Anyways, back to the topic at hand. Always have full water bottles for your chinchilla attached to the cage. If they aren’t always completely full, that’s obviously fine, but try to keep them full as often as possible.
Is Tap Water Okay For A Chinchilla?
Tap water is fine for your chinchilla, assuming you know it’s clean water that you would drink yourself.
I personally use bottled water for my chinchilla, but that has nothing to do with tap water not being a safe option. It’s completely safe.
If you live in an area where you rely on well-water, I’d stick to bottled water. However, as stated previously, if you know the water is clean and safe, then it’s perfectly okay to use tap water for your chinchilla.
Setting Up Your Chinchilla Water Bottle Properly
This is mostly common sense. It doesn’t require much to it do correctly.
Glass and plastic chinchilla water bottles typically come with two clips and a stretchy band that holds the water bottle in place on the outside of your chinchilla cage.
The best chinchilla cages always have a nice enough gap between the bars to feed the nozzle of the water bottle through for easy access.
As far as the proper height for the water bottle, simply ensure your chinchilla can reach it while standing. It should not have to lay down to consume water.
Typically, this is about 4 to 5 inches off the ground level of the cage where your chinchilla stands.
If you notice that your chinchilla has to position itself in an uncomfortable manner to drink water, simply detach the water bottle and adjust the height accordingly.
Cleaning Your Chinchilla Water Bottle
This last tip I have for you is something far too many owners skip. Seriously, you’d be shocked how few clean the water bottle regularly.
Please make sure to clean your chinchilla water bottle at least once a week. Just do it when you perform other regular chinchilla cage cleanings.
Chinchilla water bottles can grow bacteria and other fungi over time. To ensure your chinchilla remains happy and healthy, you need to clean every aspect of its living quarters and cage. That includes the bottle.
Simply rinse it with soap and water, dry it adequately, and re-attach the water bottle to the cage.
It’s easy, takes one minute out of your life, and ensures you avoid costly medical/vet bills from your chinchilla falling ill.
Chinchilla Water Bottle: Final Thoughts
Chinchillas need a water bottle. I like to use two. You should not use any other methods for providing your fresh chinchilla water, like a bowl. They just aren’t as hygienic or hands-off.
Find a reliable and durable water bottle like the Lixit bottle I recommend and use, keep it full, and keep it clean. Do that and you will be in excellent shape.
Best of luck with your upcoming chinchilla adoption.
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Chili and I always love to hear from our loyal readers.
Do you have any other chinchilla water bottles to recommend to the rest of us?
Any further tips or suggestions you recommend?
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As always, Chili and I appreciate you stopping by and reading. Thanks again, and we will catch you next time!
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