In fact, I believe it is one of the most important questions an aspiring chinchilla owner can ask.
That’s because it directly relates to one of the most important tasks we chinchilla owners have in order to ensure our pets stay happy and healthy.
It is also a major reason some people consider chinchillas somewhat difficult pets.
Hint: they’re not.
So why do some people think they are? And what about the question at hand: are chinchillas social?
And what do those two questions have to do with each other?
Keep reading for all the answers. Trust me, if you are considering a chinchilla, you need to know this.
Are Chinchillas Social Animals?
Yes, chinchillas are social animals. In fact, they need social interaction. Chinchillas that don’t enjoy social interaction with either their owners or other chinchillas can become depressed.
Chinchillas are very social animals and they want to be social and interact daily. They are also very friendly animals.
😕Adopting and caring for a new chinchilla can be intimidating and confusing. But it doesn’t have to be.
Be sure to check out my full digital eBook Avoiding Critical Mistakes: Ultimate Chinchilla Care for the best advice, tips, tricks, and recommendations to make adopting and caring for a chinchilla much more comfortable and easier to understand.
You can learn more about this eBook offer using the link directly below.
Learn more here:👉 Avoiding Critical Mistakes Ultimate Chinchilla Care eBook Offer
Chinchillas Are Social Animals
As stated above, most chinchillas are incredibly social animals. My own chinchilla is typically waiting to greet me at the front of her cage whenever I walk in the room.
This gives me a clear indicator that she is ready to come out and play. This is also partly because I always let her out of her cage at the same time each day.
But not all chinchillas are the same. It is important to understand your pet’s specific behaviors and temperament. Some chinchillas may not be as social as others.
Sometimes it completely depends on the socialization a chinchilla has already been exposed to before the adoption.
The only way to distinguish this quickly is to pay attention and be able to recognize when something may be wrong with your chinchilla. We will cover that specific topic next.
Social Interaction Prevents Depression
Some chinchilla owners may not realize this about chinchillas. Chinchillas form bonds with other chinchillas, as well as their owners.
A more straightforward way to word this would be to say that chinchillas are affectionate pets. They also enjoy being in pairs in some situations.
This doesn’t always mean that chinchillas do better in pairs. But for the most part, they like having another chinchilla around.
At a very minimum, they at least prefer their owner to interact with them. This often leads new chinchilla owners to ask how often you are supposed to play with a chinchilla.
The best answer to this question is daily.
I know, that seems like a lot. However, chinchillas are not hard to take care of, and playtime doesn’t require much from you.
Allow your chinchilla out of the cage once a day if possible. Clearly, it’s best to interact and play with your chinchilla during this time. However, it’s not 100% necessary.
If the room is chinchilla proofed of course. You want to make sure there are no wires your chinchilla could chew. If the room is safe you don’t need to supervise quite as carefully while your chinchilla is out.
Following these simple steps can help keep your chinchilla out of depression. Because the truth is: chinchillas do get lonely.
What we just discussed is your chance to make sure you avoid this. Don’t worry. It sounds more overwhelming than it really is.
Consider A Pair Of Chinchillas To Increase Social Activity
An easy fix to a chinchilla needing more social activity is to simply adopt a second chinchilla. But can two chinchillas live in the same cage or will that cause problems?
If you follow other posts I write, you will know that I always encourage getting two, if you can do so. And keeping them in the same cage.
If you have a large enough cage, as well as the time and budget to accommodate, go for it.
Sure, your chinchilla cost may rise, but overall, it’s your chance to keep two chinchillas socially happy and entertained.
Just ensure that you follow the correct bonding procedures to avoid other issues. This is one quick way to make sure your chinchilla always has a cage mate, social interaction a companion throughout life.
A Bit More Advice On Chinchilla Social Behavior
At this point in the post, I think we got the message that chinchillas are very social creatures. Another tip I have for you is not to get overwhelmed by needing to interact daily with your chinchilla.
I see a lot of people in various forums who think it’s too demanding. This requirement for daily interaction has some people believing that chinchillas do not make good pets.
The opposite is true. Chinchillas make great pets. It’s okay if you miss a day from time to time and it’s understandable if life gets in the way.
It happens to me all the time, and I’ve never noticed any odd behavior from my chinchilla because of it. If you get your chinchilla out to roam around a safe room when you can, everything turns out great.
The best advice is to try and build this into your calendar right out of the gate. I personally get my chinchilla out very early in the morning and let her run around while I wake up.
This works out great. I get to catch my bearings and get my day started, and she’s has had her social interaction for the day.
In the evenings, If I have time, I may even get her out a second time to interact with my young 4-year-old son.
It really depends but I never beat myself up over the fact that sometimes things pop up and calendars can be demanding.
If you put in any reasonable amount of effort with a chinchilla and set a side at least a little time to interact with your chinchilla, it will be happy and friendly.
Make Sure You Have A Large Chinchilla Cage
Due to chinchillas being so social and enjoying a second chinchilla as a cage mate, I have one last recommendation for you.
Always make sure you have a large enough cage. This ensures that you can have plenty of items for your chinchilla to play with.
It also gives your chinchilla the ability to jump around in the cage to stay mentally stimulated and burn off energy.
This helps dramatically in situations where you can’t always get back around to getting your chinchilla out of the cage to play with.
You are primarily using a large chinchilla cage to keep your chinchilla stimulated and comfortable. It’s also just the recommended path to take in general.
I recommend buying one of the best chinchilla cages listed in the article I just linked to.
Also, follow the minimum guidelines on how large a chinchilla cage should be. The rest will take care of itself.
Chinchillas Are Social: Final Thoughts
To recap briefly: chinchillas are very social animals. They need interaction and love from other chinchillas or from their owner.
Ensure you make time to interact and play with your chinchilla as much as possible. Ideally every single day.
If you do this, you have nothing to worry about, and your bond will grow over the next 1-2 decades.
Chili and I wish you the best of luck with your chinchilla and the journey you have ahead of you.
No we turn the floor over to you.
This is where I encourage you to chime in on the topic.
How social do you think chinchillas are?
How social has your chinchilla been so far?
What’s the best approach to interacting with your chinchilla daily?
Be sure to share those thoughts, stories, and concerns by dropping a comment below.
As always, Chili and I appreciate you stopping by and reading today and we will see you again next time.
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