But they do need toys in their cage.
They spend upwards of 23 hours per day in that cage, so make sure you deck it out nicely.
That means plenty of options for fun.
Luckily there are a lot of great chinchilla toys out there.
But not nearly as many as for most other pets.
So it’s understandable that you might want to get toys made for other animals, like birds.
But are bird toys safe for a chinchilla?
Keep reading to find out. We’ll cover everything you need to know to ensure your pet gets only toys it will love, and that won’t cause it any harm.
Are Bird Toys Safe For Chinchillas?
Yes, some bird toys are safe for chinchillas. They can use bird toys as long as they are made from woods that are safe for chinchillas. The toy should not contain any plastic.
Plastic toys are always a bad idea for chinchillas. If you are not sure about a toy, it is best to avoid it, until you have checked with your vet. In general, it is always best to stick to toys specifically made for chinchillas.
But don’t stress out about that answer. Finding good toys for chinchillas isn’t difficult and I’m going to help you figure out what your chin can and can’t play with.
Let’s dive right in and get started specifically with toys meant for birds and their use for chinchillas.
Chinchillas Using Bird Toys
Knowing which chinchilla toys to purchase is just part of knowing how to care for a chinchilla properly.
Here’s the thing about choosing the safe and best chinchilla toys.
Their toys need to promote chewing in nearly all circumstances, and they need to be constructed with safe materials that won’t cause harm when they do get chewed..
As far as chewing goes, this is purely because chinchillas have teeth that continue to grow and need proper filing in order for them to remain healthy.
Not giving your pet plenty of opportunities to chew can cause a chinchilla’s teeth to become overgrown and cause pain, among other issues.
Obviously, if we know our chinchilla will be chewing on these toys (and they will chew nearly anything), then we need to make sure that they are safe to consume.
Typically, plastic is the biggest concern. It is best to just avoid any toy with plastic components. Outside of this, you can typically allow a chinchilla to use a bird toy inside of its cage.
Using toys such as shredders even ball-shaped toys are your best bet. I always recommend sticking to bird toys that contain primarily wood, with perhaps some embellishments like bells.
Most of these toys are going to be safe in all regards.
Do Not Always Trust Pet Store Adverting
This is a topic I also discuss in other blog posts covering the proper diet for your chinchilla and similar topics. Basically, some of the packaging you see in pet stores can be misleading.
Be careful to not just look at pictures on the packaging and automatically think it’s safe for a chinchilla.
Examine the toys and check the materials used in making the toys.
A lot of treats and other items that you can find at a pet store will have a picture of a chinchilla on the bag, automatically making you assume that it must be safe for a chinchilla.
But this is not always the case, and you need to be very careful buying unproven toys just by looking at the packaging.
Always double check to ensure that it’s safe, and if you have any doubts, consult either other chinchilla owners, websites such as this, or contact a vet to double-check that you have nothing to be concerned about.
Chinchillas have sensitive digestive systems, and it’s just not worth the risks, if you’re not 100% sure about a toy. Just skip it and buy one that is 100% certain to be safe.
That’s my take on the situation, at least.
Use Caution With Materials Used In Chinchilla Toys
I know we have covered a few things to watch for, such as plastic.
But there are a few other things to watch for to make sure your chinchilla doesn’t end up ingesting something harmful.
Make sure that whatever toy you do ultimately decide to purchase does not contain other potentially harmful materials, like cotton rope, poly rope, or strings.
At first glance, these toys can seem fun and entertaining. They seem like they would be perfectly fine.
However, once your chinchilla starts getting down to business with chewing, these types of items can become problematic if ingested.
Steer clear of toys like this.
Stick To Chinchilla Toys When Possible
Whenever possible, I highly recommend not getting too “outside of the box” when purchasing chinchilla toys.
Stick to recommended and safe toys designed for chinchilla use.
It’s 100% percent possible to create an awesome chinchilla cage filled with options and things to do, without expanding into other toys designed for different animals.
Here is an article that will walk you through which toys are the best for chinchillas.
Good toys can include a good chinchilla wheel or even adding a comfortable and safe chinchilla hammock.
As far as items that help promote chewing?
I stick to chew sticks and other items that are almost 100% wood. Even wood blocks are great additions to any chinchilla cage.
Heck, even placing a few timothy hay cubes can be entertaining for a chinchilla and supply great nutrition while helping your pet file down its teeth.
The point is simple.
You have tons of options for chinchilla toys without needing to look at toys that are made for other pets such as birds etc.
Stick to these toys when possible, and you will eliminate most of the potential issues that may arise.
This also goes for things like stuffed animals. They are not made for chinchillas and can present serious dangers. Read “Can I Give My Chinchilla A Stuffed Animal?” to learn more.
Bird Toys For Chinchillas: Final Thoughts
Chinchilla toys are 100% a fantastic thing to purchase for your chinchilla.
I’d even argue that they are a necessity in order to mentally and physically stimulate your chinchilla, so that it stays happy.
However, safety must always be at the front of your mind when buying any items to place inside of your chinchilla cage.
Some bird toys will undoubtedly be just fine and cause you no issues if you give them to your chin.
But why even bother when you don’t need to?
I understand that some of you may also own a bird, which makes this question 100% understandable.
But if you don’t have a bird, I recommend you shift your thinking and stick to the basics to avoid issues like a potentially ill chinchilla.
I’d love to hear your feedback!
I always encourage my readers to provide their two cents on any topic.
Do you use bird toys for your chinchilla?
What other safety precautions and further insight can you offer other readers?
Be sure to share your thoughts, stories, and concerns by dropping a comment below.
As always, Chili and I appreciate you stopping by. Thanks again, and we will see you next time.
Sad Birb says
Thank you! This was so helpful. I have a plastic sleeping hut from when I was little and made my grandma buy it for my (toy) hamsters. I’m getting chinchillas soon and I was going to offer it to them but now I know not to!!