They have sensitive stomachs and intestines that have a hard time digesting many foods.
Even foods that are considered healthy for us and for many animals.
That is why their ideal diet is plain and boring. It consists or hay and specially formulated pellets. Nothing more.
But understandably, many owners like to treat their pets with something special from time to time.
This is fine, as long as you know what they can have.
Apples are a common treat for many pets. Can chinchillas eat apples?
Keep reading to learn if chinchillas can have apples, plus all the essential details that go along with this question. Do not give your chin an apple until you’ve read to the end of this article!
Can Chinchillas Eat Apples?
Yes, chinchillas can eat apples, but only in small quantities. They actually really love the sweet taste of apples, but have a hard time with the high levels of calcium and acidity.
As a result, you should only offer your chinchilla apples in small serving sizes of around 2 cm. Apples should be a special treat that is offered occasionally, and not an alternative to the standard diet of hay and pellets.
That’s the quick and easy answer to the question.
It’s also important to understand which parts of the apple we are talking about.
It’s equally important to understand the quantity, and the frequency with which you should be offering your chinchilla apples, to avoid any health complications.
That’s what the rest of this post is designed to break down for you.
By the end of the post, you will be fully aware of all the pros and cons of offering your chinchilla apples and also understand which parts of an apple, or which other food choices that contain apple, may or may not be safe for your chinchilla.
How Often Can Chinchillas Have Apples?
We started this post by offering some good news: that a chinchilla can have apples from time to time.
Those last four words are the critical phrase to remember when it comes to offering apples to your chinchilla. You needs to consider apples a treat, and not offer them very often.
For a better understanding of the best chinchilla treats you can offer your new furry friend, read this post here.
So, what exactly does this all mean? Exactly how often can you offer apples to your chinchilla?
I would never offer your chinchilla apples more than twice per week. And that means a single serving of apples, not an entire apple. In other words, two small pieces of apple per week. And that’s it.
They enjoy the sweetness and the acidity of the apple, but that same acidity and sweetness can cause digestive tract issues for your small and delicate chinchilla.
I’d also only stick to regular store-bought apples. The kind that you would typically eat as well. Don’t use any other version, like cooking apples, or items with apple ingredients.
This is the safest and best approach you can take, if you want your omnivore chinchilla to enjoy a small piece of apple from time to time.
Are Apples Bad For Chinchillas?
No, apples are not bad for your chinchilla, as long as they provided in small quantities. However, apples offered too frequently and/or in too large of portions are bad for your chinchilla, due to the high levels of sugar and acidity.
The calcium contained in apples is beneficial for a chinchilla.
Hopefully, that didn’t sound too contradictory. Apples themselves are not be deemed an issue, but it’s essential they’re never given too often.
Following these rules will give you the option to provide a new treat and not cause any harm or digestive issues and pain for your new family pet.
Chinchillas Eating Apple Peels
Some owners may not believe this, but I assure you it’s okay to offer your chinchilla apple peels.
The same goes here as for the rest of the apple. Only offer apple peels every now and then.
The nice thing about the peels is that they are already small, so there is less of a worry you give them too much. A peel will give your chinchilla a few minutes of enjoyment, both of the taste and the process of chewing the apple peel.
In case you weren’t aware, chinchillas love to chew so when you can kill two birds with one stone, it’s a win-win.
Just follow the same advice provided previously for the best results and to keep your chinchilla happy and healthy.
Can Chinchillas Eat Green Apples?
Chinchilla’s should not have green apples. Green apples are more bitter and sweeter than regular apples. Too much sugar can easily cause stomach pain and other issues for your chinchilla.
While I’m completely aware that some owners have probably offered their chinchillas green apples without issue, I’m always a big fan of being safe, rather than sorry.
I’d stick to regular apples if you are going to offer your chinchilla any apples in the first place. Plain and simple.
Can Chinchillas Eat Apple Wood Branches?
Yes, chinchillas can eat apple wood branches. If you are preparing your own apple wood branches, be sure you clean them and ensure no other chemicals are present.
Applewood sticks are also popular options for chew sticks that you can order for your chinchilla on popular marketplaces such as Amazon.
You can read my full guide about which woods are safe for your chinchilla to eat here.
Understanding Safe Fruits For Chinchillas
Overall, apples are one of many fruits a chinchilla owner may consider offering their chinchilla as a treat.
It’s imperative to understand which fruits are safe for your chinchilla and which fruits could potentially cause issues.
The same applies for other food groups as well, such as vegetables.
The best advice I can give you is to always research each fruit before offering it to your chinchilla, as you should with any food humans eat. We have an article covering what foods are toxic to chinchillas that can help as well.
Most fruits, surprisingly, contain too much sugar and have too high an acidic content, for your chinchilla and can cause a great deal of discomfort, or worse.
Can chinchillas eat peaches and other similar fruits? The same goes for these as for apples: tiny amounts only. You can learn which fruits are safe for chinchillas and which are not here.
Always play it safe and only offer fruit as a treat, not as a diet supplement. Overall, your chinchilla should be eating a combination of the best chinchilla hay possible, in addition to chinchilla formulated pellets.
Final Thoughts
At the end of the day, providing the safest and best foods for your chinchilla is a necessary part of owning a chinchilla.
Fruits are no exception. While apples can be offered occasionally as a delicious treat, this shouldn’t be abused.
Chinchillas make for great family pets. They are loving members of the family and providing a balanced diet can ensure a great relationship with your new chinchilla for the next 15-20 years.
Chili and I wish you the best of luck with your journey.
Share your thoughts.
Do you have any further recommendations or tips to add for other readers about chinchillas eating apples?
Or any other information you believe to be imperative when it comes to a chinchilla eating apples?
Be sure to share those thoughts, comments, and concerns by dropping a comment below.
As always, Chili and I appreciate you stopping by and reading. Thanks again, and we will see you next time.
Mel says
Can Chinchillas eat apple leaves or only the wood?
Josh says
The leaves are fine in moderation. But you want to be sure they have not been sprayed with chemicals.