That means they need plenty of items in the cage to keep themselves entertained, and for mental and physical stimulation.
Otherwise they can get bored and even depressed.
That can result in acting out and can even cause health issues.
So make sure you get your little chin some fun toys to play with!
And doesn’t a tunnel seem like tons of fun?
Well, maybe. Keep reading to learn whether chinchillas like tunnels, and what kind of tunnels are safe for these delicate little rodents (hint: one common material can pose a serious danger).
Do Chinchillas Like Tunnels?
Yes, chinchillas like tunnels. Chinchillas need accessories inside of their cage to remain stimulated and to avoid getting bored and even depressed. Chinchillas especially enjoy tunnels because they are enclosed and allow them to explore while feeling safe.
That’s the quick and to the point answer to the question.
However, if you’ve read other posts on this site, you’ll know I typically like to dive in one step further and give full explanations on the topics at hand. So let’s do that.
Chinchilla Tunnels And Why They Love Them
Here’s the inside scoop, my fellow chinchilla owners. Any addition, including a chinchilla tunnel, is a great upgrade for any chinchilla cage.
A proper size chinchilla cage is the first step. Filling it with fun upgrades is the second. It is these upgrades that make a good chinchilla cage excellent and help immensely in keeping your chinchilla happy and stimulated.
And tunnels are one of the best cage upgrades. They are a fantastic addition that these little rodents absolutely love.
I’ve made a quick video showing you inside of my chinchilla’s cage. It will let you see which tunnels I prefer in addition to some other tips to implement. You can see that video here.
Chinchillas love anything that they can climb inside of. And with tunnels, they can climb inside of them and on top of them. Tons of fun all around!
I highly recommend using tunnels that are NOT plastic. Chinchillas are animals that naturally chew on anything.
Chewing the actual tunnel is no big deal. It’s chewing off pieces of plastic that can cause harm.
That’s why you want to avoid any tunnels with plastic parts. You don’t want to end up with a sick chinchilla to deal with.
I currently use the Prevue Hendrix Tunnel and love it. You can see it here:
It’s perfectly safe if your chinchilla ends up chewing it.
Not to mention, it’s relatively durable for being so cheap, and it has multiple entry/exit points, which keeps things interesting for your furry little friend.
Finding the best chinchilla tunnel doesn’t need to be rocket science. Anything will suffice, as long as it is safe!
Chinchillas Need More Than Tunnels Inside Of The Cage
It doesn’t matter if you decide you want multiple tunnels or other items, the important thing to always remember is that cage accessories and additional toys are necessary.
I discuss this in TONS of my blog posts.
Your chinchilla is in it cage for more than 22 to 23 hours per day most of the time. Yes, I understand that a great deal of this time is sleeping. But they’re still in the cage.
The issue is that they are naturally curious and smart animals.
They can even get depressed when they don’t have enough social interaction or enough to do inside the cage and outside of the cage.
Don’t put yourself in that situation.
Consider other items in addition to tunnels, such as plenty of safe chew sticks and some good nesting boxes for your chinchilla.
I would even consider hanging a safe chinchilla hammock from the top deck of the cage to give your chinchilla another spot to sleep, climb, or just relax.
Where To Find The Best Chinchilla Tunnels
As mentioned in the paragraphs above, this isn’t rocket science. Simply avoid plastic items when possible. And that means avoiding plastic tunnels.
For nearly everything I purchase for my chinchilla, I turn to Amazon. And this is also where I purchased the chinchilla tunnel that I have inside of my cage.
It’s just easier in my case, since there aren’t any good pet stores near me that carry items for chinchillas.
If you avoid plastic, you can have fun searching for chinchilla tunnels wherever you please.
For the most part, they are going to be relatively cheap, and they are going to hold up for months or longer at a time.
It’s an easy and short process to find a few great tunnels for your chinchilla.
Best Chinchilla Tunnels
Chinchilla tunnels are relatively straightforward as long as you avoid plastic.
Nonetheless, here are a few of my other recommendations you can consider for your chinchilla tunnels.
I prefer all of these chinchilla tunnels for a few reasons.
First, I know they are safe and breathable which helps avoid issues such as overheating and heatstroke for your chinchilla.
Secondly, I like that they are all edible and healthy, if your chinchilla does decide to chew on them.
All three will make excellent tunnels for your chinchilla so it is really up to you, what space you have available inside of your chinchilla cage and your personal preferences.
Other Safety Precautions And Tips For Chinchilla Tunnels
One last recommendation I have for you when searching for a tunnel is to ensure that it doesn’t seem too flimsy, and it’s not too enclosed.
The reason for this is the temperature issue that you always need to be aware of with chinchillas. These little animals with their dense fur can overheat very quickly, and it can be fatal.
Make sure you don’t have a tunnel that could collapse while your chinchilla is inside, or that doesn’t seem too difficult for your chinchilla to navigate into and out of.
This is unlikely to be a concern with most of the tunnels you can find, unless it is one where your chinchilla chewing on it can easily damage the foundations of the tunnel itself.
I have a bit of OCD when it comes to my chinchilla, and that hasn’t gone away during these first few years.
My methods typically involve purchasing what I think will be the most fun, and then monitoring a bit more closely for a few days to make sure things are working out okay inside of the cage.
However, I also work from home, which makes it very easy for me to keep tabs on the new items and my chinchilla in general.
I know that not everyone has this luxury. That’s perfectly fine.
If that’s the case, simply make sure you check on your pet before and after work, and perhaps before bed, to make sure everything still seems safe and useable.
This doesn’t apply just to chinchilla tunnels either.
Do this during with any upgrades or new accessories you add to your cage. Especially if it’s items like a tunnel or even a chinchilla hammock.
It’s just part of being an ethical and caring owner. There is nothing fancy about it and doesn’t require any additional work on your end.
Chinchilla Tunnels Make For An Excellent Addition To Any Chinchilla Cage
Chinchilla tunnels are an awesome upgrade to any good chinchilla cage.
If you’ve read multiple articles on my website, you know I’m all about turning a chinchilla’s cage into a paradise and a playground in every way possible.
It’s just what I believe is necessary for a rodent that spends such a great deal of time inside of its cage.
It keeps them happy, it keeps them healthy, and it keeps them stimulated during those times that you can’t always get them out for playtime.
Now let’s hear from you!
Do you use chinchilla tunnels to give your chinchilla more fun inside of its cage?
What’s your favorite tunnel to use?
Any other safety precautions you recommend to keep all of our chinchillas safe and healthy?
Be sure to share your thoughts, stories, and concerns by dropping a comment below.
As always, Chili and I appreciate you stopping by and reading. Thanks again, and we will see you next time.
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