Keeping your chinchilla in a cage without a place to hide is just cruel.
They simply won’t feel comfortable or relaxed without a nesting box to which they can escape.
We’ll go over exactly why this is so important below.
Before we get into that, we’ll give you our recommendations for the 3 best nest boxes for chinchillas. The first one is the one I use myself for my pet. And she loves it!
Best Nesting Boxes For Chinchillas
All three of the above nest boxes work well for chinchillas, though I feel the Kaytee one is a bit small. That will depend on the size of your pet, though.
The hideouts listed here are all available on Amazon, which means anyone will be able to purchase them.
If you live near a pet store that sells chinchilla nesting boxes and want to buy yours there, here are some guidelines. The first two points are the important considerations when making your purchase.
- At least 48 square inches of floor space
- Made of wood or other natural material (no plastic)
- Put bedding inside to rest on (I use fleece liners)
- Avoid cardboard or shredded paper inside of the hiding box
Meeting these requirements should be extremely easy. Nearly every available hiding box for chinchillas will meet the size requirements.
Using safe fleece liners solves the other two issues for you. I use these Piggy Bed Spread Liners, which you can order directly off Amazon in a variety of colors.
- Designed specifically for Critter Nation Cage
- Includes: Two large pan liners (one with a notch/cut-out for the ramp opening, Two small shelf liners and three ramp covers
- Available in various designs
Why Chinchillas Need A Nest Box
I want to make on thing as clear as possible, right off the bat.
A nest box is absolutely critical for your chinchilla.
Nesting boxes are also referred to as a hut-hideout and that name makes clear one main purpose. They give your chinchilla a space inside the cage to hide away and feel safe, comforted, and relaxed.
Chinchillas can become scared relatively quickly. A scared chinchilla can even overheat in certain circumstances, leading to other issues such as heatstroke.
A hut hideout gives them the ability to feel safe from threats. It is a place where they can hang out, and a place to sleep, where they feel comforted and free of danger.
And the nice thing for us as owners is that nest boxes are inexpensive.
Because they provide such a significant benefit to your chinchilla, they are one of the best bang-for-buck accessories you can get for your pet..
Besides ensuring that you always have a large enough cage for your chinchilla, a nest box is arguably the second most important purchase. It is definitely the very first item I would prioritize for my chinchilla.
I currently use the Niteangel nest box, which is the top one listed in the comparison table above.
I’ve had it since the very first day bringing my chinchilla home and it’s still her preferred spot to sleep most days.
Other days, she may venture off some within her large dual-level Critter Nation 2 cage and sleep in her hammock, but overall, her nest box is her safe place where she feels the most relaxed.
Chinchilla Nesting Boxes Emulate Life In The Wild
Here’s another thing to keep in mind. Nest boxes allow chinchillas to do what they are naturally programmed to do.
In the wild, chinchillas are primarily the prey of other animals. This means they are used to running for their lives and finding clever hiding spots.
Just because a chinchilla is in a safe habitat living with you, that does not mean that it doesn’t get scared from time to time.
They most certainly do. Even for me, after several years with my chinchilla, there are still certain things that make her run away towards her hiding box.
Examples could be vacuuming, my dogs entering the room, or even my kid getting overly loud and hyper around her cage.
This isn’t a big deal and its part of owning a chinchilla.
However, without the hiding box, I’m sure she would just sit frozen and stare out of the cage, mentally panicked with rapid breathing.
The hiding/nest box gives her an easy way to feel safe and calm down until she gets comfortable with whatever is going on around her.
Consequences Of Not Using A Nest Box For Your Chinchilla
Let’s assume that you either skipped this entire article or don’t want to take any of the advice here today.
What happens if you chose not to use any type of nest box or hiding space for your chinchilla?
Well, the results likely won’t be in your favor. Always remember, a happy and healthy chinchilla that feels safe means a friendly chinchilla that wants to bond with its owners.
That’s the first problem you may run into, if you decide not to use a hiding box. You may simply never get to experience a chinchilla that feels comfortable with you.
Second, when they get scared, chinchillas can slip fur or, even worse, overheat. It’s part of the reason that keeping your chinchilla at ideal temperatures is so critical.
Don’t take this chance.
Given the low cost of buying a hiding box, I can’t think of any logical excuse that might exist for a chinchilla owner to decide that a hiding box is not worth getting.
Other Tips For Chinchilla Hiding Boxes
As we start to bring this post to its conclusion, I wanted to drop two other significant tips that concern nest and hiding boxes.
First, ensure that the nest box Is part of your routine cage cleaning schedule. The hiding box itself needs to be wiped down. Also make sure to clean under it.
Second, you want to place it in the ideal spot inside of the cage. Structuring your chinchilla cage to encourage playing, jumping, and climbing is always best.
Personally, deciding how I wanted to set up my chinchilla cage was perhaps the most fun part of initially getting ready for my chinchilla, so I will leave this to your imagination.
Just don’t forget how many hours per day a chinchilla spends within its cage and keep this in mind when you set up the cage. You want to try to put the habitat together in a fashion that is fun, safe, and comfortable for your own chinchilla.
Doing so not only increases the bond you have with your your chinchilla, but also helps it feel relaxed and comfortable under your care.
Chinchilla Hideouts: Final Thoughts
At the end of the day, the most essential thing to understand is that chinchillas do, in fact, need a hideout like a nest box inside of their cage.
Getting one is cheap and easy, so no excuse really exists for not doing so. Find your favorite nest box, get it inside of the cage, and have nothing to worry about.
Chili and I wish you luck with your upcoming chinchilla adoption.
Now let’s hear from you!
Chili and I always encourage feedback from our loyal readers.
What other recommendations have I left out that you believe are imperative for everyone to understand?
What’s your favorite hiding/nest box, and why?
Be sure to share your stories, concerns, and thoughts by dropping a comment below.
As always, Chili and I appreciate you stopping by and will catch you next time.
Erin says
Hi. I’m going to be a first time chinchilla owner and I have a question about the bedding for inside the nesting box. You suggested fleece liners for bedding inside the nesting box, but the liners linked are custom fit for the cage levels/floors, not sized to fit in any of the nesting boxes. Did you purchase fleece liners in addition to the ones you have for the levels of the cage and then cut one of them to fit in the nesting box you have or how did you go about it? Thank you!
Josh says
The easiest and cheapest is to just buy some fleece fabric and cut it to size yourself.